12/6/99- My apologies for not updateing this sooner, but my unix account at school was down so I could not update the news or the web page for quite some time. It is fixed now, so hopefully the updated file for Rebellion's Glory will get here by the end of the week.
10/26/99- Well the page finally broke 5,000 visits as of 10/20/99. My apologies for not updating thisw page more often, buit it is a rare occasion that I find the time during school to get to the computer lab and work on the page. I have an update for the plug-in comming soon, I just need to stuff the file, and send it to my account here at school. Thats about all the news I have four yuo nw, check back often fir updates. Yes, they do occasionally happen. Later.
8/24/99- As you can see, I'm trying out some different backgrounds. The last one I tried really sucked as I would bet most of you would agree. As for the plug-in, since school just started yesterday, I did not find time to work on it a little more, hopefully some time this week however, I will be able to upload the newer version of the plug-in so you can take a look at that. Keep your comments, suggestions, and criticism are welcome so send me your thoughts on the plug-in and the web page if you feel like it. I outta here.
8/23/99-Well the plug-in is finally available for download. It isn;'t much now, but I found an easier way to upload it. So this is a good thing. the server was down for awhile so thats why you couldn't
8/16/99- Well its been awhile, but I just got word from the web master at Ambrosia, that the plug-in should be available for download sometime this week. By this point, most of you probably don't care any more but never the less, it should be comming soon. I am changing te background around a little bit, and am going to be trying some new possibilities so it would be great to hear some feedback. That just about does it for news.
7/13/99- Alright, as for the plug-in, IT IS COMMING! I didn't send Ambrosia all the information that it needed at first, but a few days ago, I got everything that they needed uploaded, so I should hope that it will be available for download soon. This part of the plug-in only includes ship graphics, and already I have changed to plug-in a little by adding systems, and a few new ship graphics, along with that possablility for a different type of alien race.
6/29/99- I've finnally been able to upload the Beta Version of Rebellion's Glory to the Ambrosia Website. Hopefully, you'll all soon be able to down load it. Reminder, it is still in beta and its bound to not look so great at first had, but I have a whole butt-load of more stuff to put in it.
2/18/99- I have gotten a few more graphics for the plug-in, and the names of the peopole who made them will be showing up soon, I stiill have to find a newer version of stuffit expander to accually use them first. Other than that however, there isn't much more to report.
2/8/99- I know that it has been awhile since I last updated, but my trip to washington has taken its toll on me. I am however, satring to get back on track with updateing the web page, and also the plug-in. The plug-in has had a few bugs fixed, but other than that, remains at about 25% compleate. I had problems with the graphics I scanned, all were about 17megs each, in black and whit no less, I thinkI have found the problem, and can re-scan them, and get them sent off soon. Thanks for your patience.
1/4/99- Happy new year to all
1 I have finnaly done something with that annoying back round, I'd love to hear your opinions on it, the rest of the pages will bve changed shortly, the plug is going well, a few new systems, and I have finnalyly scanned in tohose pictures to send to the person that will be doing my ship graphics. So yeah!
12/3/98- I have finnally added a few more screenshots to the web [page, but other then that theri really isn't much. I hope you enjjoy for what its worth.
11/30/98- Its been awhile since I've had time to update this sight and I apologize for it, hopefully however, there will be even more updates in the next week or so. Rigt now. I just have given new dexscriptions for the ships, and some of the screen shoots tand thats about all. I have also toned down the Rebel Glory's ammount of mantas by about half(from 12 - 6) simply because 12 ships was really overkill, especially when they were more powerful then the gunboat. Also I have added a few new ships and their graphices will be popping up on the web page soon. I have gotten another person who said that they'd try thier best to do graphics for me, and sounded pretty upbeat about doing them., I may accually get my graphics in the plug! If that wer to happen, I think you'd really like what you see, some of the misteriouse alien craft look really good. On paper anyway, but we'll see what they look like If I can ever get them to this guy to be computer animated!
8/25/98- I've added a few more things to make the web page look a little better. I've also gotten rid of the Upcomming Ships section because it was well, kinda stupid and the person I sent the graphics too never accually cared enough to send them back. Oh well.
8/24/98- I have finally begun to re-do this page because I'm finally back in school. It seems that I have more time to work on the plug-in during school than I do during the summer for some odd reason. As for the Plug-in, it has a tendancy not to work on my computer, but my computer sucks so that may be why. So if you would like to try and see how its going, just e-mail me. Right now, there are a good ammount of ships and the Rebel Glory doesn't kick as much ass as it did before because it kicked way too much ass before. I'll have the stats on the ships up sometime in the next week I'm hopeing. I'll try and get a few more screen shots going so you can get an idea of whats all in this plug. There are a lot more systems now then there were before, so hopefully thats a good thing
1/28/98- Links, Graphics and Ship Descriptions added
1/29/98- Rebellion's Glory Story Plot added
2/2/98- I have finished drawing the images for the ships, all I need to do is load them on the computer. The missions fo this plug-in are being don by Eric Miller. They will include Confed, and Rebel Missions. Mostly Rebel missions since this is about them. Also, in later versions, I'm hopeing to have missions for the new Alien race.
2/3/98- I have gotten a total of three people sighned up that are willing to help with the ships, and Missions. If all goes well, you will be able to download the plug-in sometime with inthe next few months. This thing is just getting underway, and I want to make sure it works before anyone can download it. Also, I have addeed a few ships to the plug-in.
2/4/98 It is official! As you can see, I have finnaly gotten my Web page link put on the Official Escape Velocity Web sight! Right now I'm hopeing to get twenty new systems put in. If you would like to submit any planet grapics, please e-mail them to me and I will add your name to the list of helpers!
2/6/98 Yesterday I added about five new systedms, and fixed some bugs. As far as I can see, right now I'm bug free. No new ships as of right now, but soon I hope. I still have not gotten a chance to send some needed info to my helpful assistants.
2/23/98 Yes I have finally addes a screenchot of the game to my page. I have others but this stupid computer can't read it. Thats why I don't like IBMs. Also, some BAD news. Some sort of virus got into the plug-in because I needed to use an older version of ev-edit to get a graphic i. It screwd up the rest of the plug-in, thus, I must start over, but not from scrach. I have a copy of an older version of my plug that I hope will work out. Also, I'm hitting myself for not getting those graphict out yet.
3/5/98 Sorry that I have not been able to update this lately. Do to having to basically having to start the plug-in all over, and being sick the last few days, I have been unable to update this site further.
3/10/98 I have just updated my page!!! Things are finally back on track! I have added a New Ships section where you can see drawing of some ships that will be added to the plug-in eventually. So GO THERE! I am hoping to get a beta vesion out that you can download in a few weeks. However, I have volunteered to create a WEB sight for my church so that will be slowing things down for awhile.
4/6/98 I appologise for not updating the news lately, Speech takes up a lot of my time. An yway, I have added two ships toi the plug-in as you have seen in the SHIPS section, and three more have been added but I don't have the graphics on the page again. Right now, the two new ships are the only origional artwork. But more are on the way. I have starte to use EV Edit 1.3 again because all the others don't seem to like me. Thats it for now.
4/8/98 I changed the name of the Rebellion Juggernaught to the Rebel Glory. First of all it is a lot easier to remember, and a lot easier to spell. Plus, it goes with the plug-in name.
4/14/98 Sorry about updating this so late, the long weekend put me behind scedual. I need someone to do the missions because I have gotten no response from the person who said that they would do it. I would need a lot of new Alien, Rebel, and Confederation missions. They should baisically stay with the story line. If you need to see the story, you can just click the STORY. If you think that you are up to the Job of helping me with missions, you can e-mail me at home: [email protected]
4/22/98 Again, I apologise for neglecting to update the news. Fortunately all my projects are compleated for now. You can expect a few more screen shots tomorrow or on friday. Hopefully all the ships will be in the new plug by then. I am still looking for people to do missions and masks for the ships however.
5/8/98 I have just added a few new screenshots to my web page. There would be about two more, but I had some disk problems. I have a screenshot of the existing univers of my Escape Velocity plug-in. Will try and get that on my web page soon.
5/13/98 I found a slight problem in the Plug-in. If it is used with another plug-in, problems occure when looking at the new systems. you can't see some of the jump links to other systems not yet discovered. I think I can fix this, but it has slowed down the creation process of the plug-in.
6/15/98 This will be my last entry for awhile, hopefully during the summer I can find Lots of time to work on my Plug-inj, By next school year I hope it to be a little farther along then it is now. I still need some help with the missions so e-mail me if you can help, Thanks for your patients.